About Our Clinic
Evidence Based Treatments Offered
DBT: Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a cognitive behavioral treatment developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD, ABPP. It emphasizes individual psychotherapy and group skills training classes to help people learn and use new skills and strategies to develop a life that they experience as worth living. DBT skills include skills for mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.
RO-DBT: Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT) is a new evidence based treatment targeting a spectrum of disorders characterized by excessive self control, often referred to as overcontrol (OC) developed by Thomas Lynch, PhD.
DBT-ACES: Accepting the Challenges of Employment & Self-Sufficiency is about having a life worth living outside the social service system. In DBT-ACES, this means the ability to live successfully without continuous psychosocial treatment and off psychiatric disability benefits despite life’s inevitable setbacks. Develped by Katherine Comptois, PhD, MPH.
DBT-A: an adaptation of DBT for Adolescents and their families. Developed by Alec Miller, PhD & Jill Rathus, PhD.
DBT-SUDS: an adaptation of DBT for Substance Use Disorders, which incorporates concepts and modalities designed to promote abstinence and to reduce the length and adverse impact of relapses. Developed by Linda Dimeff, PhD.
DBT-F: an adaptation of DBT for Couples, which utilizes The High Conflict Couple.
MBT: Mentalization Based Treatment is an integrative form of psychotherapy, bringing together aspects of psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, systemic and ecological approaches. MBT was developed and manualized by Peter Fonagy, OBE, FBA, FAcSS, FMedSci and Anthony Bateman, MA, FRCPsych designed for individuals with borderline personality disorder
PSYCHODRAMA: The original form of group psychotherapy developed by Jacob Levy Moreno, the man who developed psychodrama, also coined the phrases "group therapy" and "group psychotherapy." At it's core psychodrama uses deep action methods to explore and correct issues that have been identified in group.
DBT-PE: Prolonged Exposure is offered for the first time in Georgia. Trauma treatment is empirically based and offered efficiently. It was developed by Melanie Harned, PhD.
DMC®: Dialectically Mentalizing Cognitions: is developed by Minal Shah, MRC, NCC, LPC and Stephen Marks, MS, LPC. It is a DBT stage III & IV treatment designed to allow people to exit the behavioral healthcare system with a true completion of treatment.