Couples DBT Fast Track Boot Camp
This program is designed to teach skills that increase the ability to build mend, and cope effectively in intimate relationships. After a brief awareness exercise, there will be homework review and questions, followed by teaching of new material.
Required reading by Alan Fruzzetti's The High-Conflict Couple: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy Guide to Finding Peace, Intimacy, and Validation will be provided. Session length is 90 minutes.
Sessions are Thursdays from 4:15-5:45 p.m.

Class 1
Introduction, Goals
Why? Why now?
Establish safety
Identify and reduce invalidation
Rebuild relationships
Increase accurate expression
Increase validation
Problem management
Transform conflict into closeness
Acceptance & engagement

Class 2
Safety, Wisdom,
Choosing a state of mind to promote safety, and wisdom with balance
Learn skills to overcome the anxiety of learning new behavior & doing things differently.

Class 3
Emotional Choices, Behavioral Change
Target Emotional Dysregulation
Learn how to control type, frequency, intensity, & duration of emotions

Class 4
Behavioral Change
Learn to change unwanted, destructive, or ineffective reactions to events

Class 5
Invalidation, Deescalation, Connectedness
Reduce resentment
Learn skills to overcome invalidation

Class 6
Interpersonal Integrity, Recovering from Invalidation
Identify and Hold on to values
Receive information without defensiveness
Separating identity from others’ perceptions

Class 7
Building Relationships, Gratitude, Forgiveness
Let go of anger about what should/could be/have been
Transform Anger into compassion

Class 8
Accurate Expression, Be Heard, Get Needs Met
Learn how to be heard without escalating
Learn how to be heard without compromising your values

Class 9
Radical Acceptance
Get over feeling stuck while waiting for things to change

Class 10
Dialectical Problem Management
Combat All or nothing thinking
Think in terms of 'getting' vs. ‘giving up’
Lead by example

Class 11
Relationship Mindfulness
Change your focus
Learn to not take someone for Granted

Class 12
Putting It All Together
The big picture from acceptance (admitting what is) to zest (enthusiastic enjoyment)